What Are The Benefits of Click and Collect Lockers?

As online shopping demands rise and bricks-and-mortar retailers struggle to fight off their virtual competition, innovative solutions have married the two together. Click and collect lockers have become incredibly popular for shoppers making orders online and needing a place to safely secure and hold their parcels outside of their homes.

To help you make the most out of your store’s space, Ripple has the answer to the question – what are the benefits of click-and-collect lockers?

  • What are click-and-collect lockers?
  • What are the benefits of click-and-collect lockers?
  • How Ripple can help transform your retail space

What Are Click & Collect Lockers?

Click and collect lockers are a part of the click and collect process in which a customer purchases an item online. They are given the option to have it delivered to different locations, usually an address such as their home or office, a post office or in this instance your collection locker, keeping it safe and secure and ready to pick up at the convenience of the customer and allowing your business to pick and pack in the locker to suit your business.

From here, the retailer can then deposit the purchase to the selected locker. After this, the customer will be informed the package has arrived at the locker and will be given directions on how to retrieve it. This usually includes scanning a QR code or being given a pin code to unlock the designated locker at the click-and-collect collection locker.

The convenience of these lockers can easily be seen by the customer, allowing them to pick up their online order whenever they like, and ensuring it’s definitely safe if they aren’t happy for parcels to be left outside their home. It also drives footfall to your bricks and mortar premises where although their products are secure and ready to pick up.

For retailers though, the return on the investment might not be so obvious. If you’re unsure about whether or not the benefits of click-and-collect lockers will benefit your business, take a look at the benefits below.

What Are The Benefits Of Click And Collect Lockers?

Click & Collect Lockers Lead To A Better Customer Experience

Click-and-collect lockers are a fantastic way to boost the overall experience a customer has when visiting your store. They will appreciate the convenience being offered to them and your store for hosting the locker. Being able to pick up the order when they’re ready allows a seamless and simple process to be followed with your store at the centre of this experience. They’re more likely to use the service again too, increasing the likelihood of them entering your store to purchase something over time. Convenience and simplicity are key to a better customer experience, so it’s hard to miss the benefit that click-and-collect lockers can have on your store and your customers.

Click & Collect Lockers Help To Establish a Brand Presence

Your retail store may not have a wide target audience, or perhaps the products being sold are more niche. Or perhaps your store is having a slow period where you’ve noticed a drop in foot traffic and overall sales. A click-and-collect locker system being implemented opens up the chance for your business to establish a stronger brand presence with shoppers. Your store will be the first thing a shopper sees when they’re looking for the locker, offering you the chance to make a positive first, second or even third impression with a customer who may have missed your store in the past.

Click & Collect Lockers Establish a Physical Presence

Not only do click-and-collect lockers boost a customer’s overall experience and allow your store to spread awareness of the brand and what it provides, but they also bring the opportunity to establish a physical presence. Both for your business and the click-and-collect lockers, the functionality increases the presence your store has on the high street, shopping centre or retail park. This creates a stronger first impression and helps to keep your business standing out from the crowd, increasing opportunities for impulse purchases and the chance for positive face-to-face interactions with customers in-store.

Click & Collect Lockers Offer A More Environmentally Friendly

Another benefit of click and collect lockers is their benefit to the environment. By reducing the amount of transportation online retailers must conduct to reach every customer’s home, they save the earth from excessive emissions. This directly translates to your business and the overall perception of it by shoppers. Many people now highly value a brand’s efforts to be environmentally friendly and will notice if they are making conscious efforts to protect the earth.

How Ripple Can Help Transform Your Retail Space

Ready to get your retail space up to speed and install your very own click and collect lockers? Ripple is here to help as our team of specialists has decades of experience in designing, fitting and installing your retail spaces with innovative and impactful solutions that keep you on the path to success.

We’re different to other retail design agencies thanks to our unique approach that enables businesses to get the best possible result for their brand. Every business has its own obstacles and a tailor-made solution is the only way to build over them. At Ripple, we put you at the centre of everything we do, along with your target customer base in order to ensure all solutions we design and create are done so with the aim in mind.

This, along with our end-to-end service, has given us a long list of happy clients who are reaping the rewards of our work. This includes MKM Home – find out more about their requests and how we went above and beyond for them.

Get In Touch With Ripple Today

Ripple has a stellar reputation in the retail design industry and years of experience in designing, building and installing fantastic showrooms for businesses and customers to enjoy.

It’s thanks to our commitment and dedication to going above and beyond for every client that has led to this point. So get in touch with us today and arrange a free, no-obligation consultation to find out how we can generate more sales for your business today.

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